
Create Your Activism Plan

Create Your Activism Plan

Tavaana’s Create Your Activism Plan Course guides you to develop your vision, set realistic goals and objectives, tailor your strategies to your environment, craft effective messages and build strong coalitions for change.  You will develop your leadership skills while honing in on the freedoms fundamental to democratic civil society.

Learn Your Way

The CAP course is available in a self-taught version.

Course Outline

Vision and Motivation

Goals and Objectives


Message and Audience

Outreach Activities

Your Civic Environment

Welcome to Tavaana’s introductory course on civic activism! This course will give you the skills to...
In Lesson 1, we learned about the importance of articulating an overarching vision that guides all your...
3.1: Lesson Objectives I am not sure whether I am a leader, but I know that becoming one means that...
4.1: Lesson Objectives Your Success Depends on Developing an Effective Message You have defined your...
5.1: Lesson Objectives Once you have crafted effective messages that are targeted to your audiences,...
Section 1: Objectives For an activist, civic environment and its possibilities are central to strategizing....




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