
1. Genealogy of Citizenship


Citizenship: A Historical Overview from Antiquity WWI

Hammurabi Laws and Ancient Persian Empire of Cyrus

Ancient Greece and Rome

The Islamic period to the end of the Mongol Era

Medieval Era: Magna Carta

Rise of the Ottoman Empire and Safavid Persia

The Declaration of Independence of the United States of America and the French Revolutionary Republic’s Declaration of the Right of Man and the Citizen

American Civil War, Ottoman Reforms, and Iranian Constitutional Revolution

Introduction Citizenship: A Historical Overview from Antiquity WWI Hammurabi Laws and Ancient Persian...
Citizenship in International Legal Instruments and convention 1900 to WWII: The League of Nations and...
What is citizenship Distinct and gendered citizenship; differentiated citizenship; Tension between...
Typology of citizenship from Democratic Transition to Established Political Systems: Centralism, Symmetrical...
From rediscovery and recreation of national citizenships to rediscovery and recreation of trans-national...
A review of the debates on the simultaneous promotion of national and trans-national identities through...
Revisiting the historical and theoretical evolution of Civic Citizenship: –      ...




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