
3: Limits of Freedom of Speech in Modern and Democratic Journalism

Freedom of expression, similar to all other freedoms, has its limits. Some of these boundaries, such as the protection of individuals’ and public figures’ privacy, and national, religious, and sexual minorities’ rights, are specified by law. Others are defined by ethical codes. Although these boundaries may seem to be unjust restrictions at first glance, when examined more closely, it is clear that they function to guarantee the freedoms of all segments of society. Disregarding these boundaries endangers both individual freedoms and the collective freedoms of various segments of society. 

Censorship and self-censorship are another problem in Iranian and Persian-language media. In this webinar,...
In Iranian and Persian-language journalism, the lack of a universal code of ethics has led news agencies...
Freedom of expression, similar to all other freedoms, has its limits. Some of these boundaries, such...




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