
Labor Rights and Labor Organizing II

Labor Rights and Labor Organizing

This e-course taught previously at Tavaana by Iran’s leading labor leader Mansour Osanlou as a pilot, this e-course will be improved through a team-teaching approach to address labor rights violations in Iran and explore strategies to strengthen the labor movement. Global lessons and histories of effective labor struggles in not free contexts like Iran will be a large focus, as will specific labor rights advocacy techniques. The course will provide a comparative analysis of labor movements around the world and their connection to democratic transitions, teach the role of international labor unions and bodies, and explore specific labor issues affecting women, children, and migrants. Participants will explore the historical development of labor rights standards and the provisions of human rights law accompanying them; the International Labor Organization and the Declaration of Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work; how the freedom of association and right to collective bargaining relate to other human rights; challenges to labor rights and labor organizing in Iran; and protection mechanisms for defending labor rights in repressive regime contexts such as Iran.




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