
Lecture 7: Successes and challenges

This lecture explains to students circumstances in which elections have brought about desirable outcomes, and how they can be associated with problems. On the positive sides, elections can attain:

Wide public engagement in political decision-making.

Peaceful changeovers in governing groups.

The promotion of consensus around core values.

On the negative sides, elections can:

Suffer manipulation from existing authorities or other well-established groups.

Contribute to an undermining of the democratic system of which they are a part, for instance through facilitating majoritarianism

Fail to perform their role effectively if there are sharp cross-cutting divisions between different social groups or factions

Degenerate into non-programmatic populism

This lecture will give an overview of the course and set out key concepts involved. It will discuss: The...
This lecture will provide students with an understanding of: The development of the theory and practice...
This lecture will provide students with an understanding of the importance to elections of: Universal...
This lecture considers participation in elections. It will discuss issues including: Who is allowed...
For this lecture students will acquire knowledge in the following areas: The different voting systems...
This lecture will provide an account of activities leading up to the election itself. It will discuss The...
This lecture explains to students circumstances in which elections have brought about desirable outcomes,...
This lecture will explain to students: Principles governing the assessment of elections The nature...




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