
1: Consequences of Self-Immolation

In the second lesson of this webinar series on female self-immolation, Ms. Parvin Bakhtiarnejad discusses the consequences of self-immolation in different parts of Iran. She highlights the situations of women who have attempted self-immolation and now suffer from its effects. After a suicide attempt, these women are often more depressed and disappointed in the course of their treatment, refusing to cooperate as a result. Hospitals, for their part, lack the necessary personnel to provide psychological counseling and psychiatric care. This lesson identifies those provinces with a high rate of self-immolation and demonstrates the disparities between official statistics and realities on the ground. In these regions, divorce is considered unacceptable and women are forced to endure harsh living conditions. In making self-immolation a tradition so engrained that children learn it from adults and try to imitate it, society ultimately bears responsibility for these women. To improve the situation, Ms. Bakhtiarnejad argues that a range of other institutions must work in tandem with the family in order to work for change.

In the second lesson of this webinar series on female self-immolation, Ms. Parvin Bakhtiarnejad discusses...
Parvin Bakhtiarnejad is an Iranian journalist, researcher, writer, and esteemed women’s rights activist....




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