
Lesson 4: Fascism and the Third Reich

How do we define fascism, Nazism, and the Third Reich? This lesson will examine how German and Italian nationalism emerged and how they transformed into militant nationalism. The lesson will explore the emergence of fascism after the First World War, studying a piece written by Mussolini in this regard. It will then discuss Nazism as a form of German fascism. Is it correct to distinguish, for example, between Italian fascism and German fascism? Is there one fundamental fascist movement with various forms in different countries? At their core, how are fascism and Nazism explained? The lesson, while not exploring fascism in detail, will highlight basic theories and discuss disagreements between these theories.

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In the ancient world, where populations believed in pantheons of good and evil deities and ancestral...
How do we define fascism, Nazism, and the Third Reich? This lesson will examine how German and Italian...
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