
Lesson 3: The Modern Era and Conflict with the “Other”

In the ancient world, where populations believed in pantheons of good and evil deities and ancestral spirits, military expeditions were portrayed as expeditions of gods and souls. Rulers referenced spirits and deities to support and legitimize their claim to power. These belief systems were also used to differentiate societies and justify violence against rival groups.  In the modern era, nationality and race are the primary factors in forming distinctions between groups of people, with communities attributing their own exceptionalism to these factors in the same way past communities considered themselves to have special relationships with the divine. This lesson will discuss the concept of the nation and nationalism, focusing on Italy and Germany as examples. How did the concept of nationhood emerge? How did it shape our world? Is the world divided between nations? The lesson will also examine how the modern conception of race was formed.

The first lesson will discuss the importance of learning about and discussing the Holocaust, highlighting...
The Holocaust serves as a reminder of the consequences of intolerance towards the “other.” This lesson...
In the ancient world, where populations believed in pantheons of good and evil deities and ancestral...
How do we define fascism, Nazism, and the Third Reich? This lesson will examine how German and Italian...
This lesson will begin by explaining the roots of anti-Semitism in Europe and Germany. It will then discuss...
This lesson will focus why the Holocaust remains an uniquely tragic event in global history. Even in...
In this lesson, we will examine some of the most contentious debates that surround the history of the...
The last lesson will discuss the issue of Holocaust denial, particularly propaganda created by the Iranian...




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