
Karvan Ghader Shokari

Karvan was a 16-year-old student. He was shot and killed by the government oppression forces in Piranshahr on 20 November 2022. The regime agents killed Karvan on World Children’s Day. His burial was being held on 21 November when the regime agents attacked the mourners. Heydar Mahali was another citizen killed on the same day by the government forces. A massive number of people participated in Karvan’s funeral. Prianshah citizens chanted “Kurd, Baloch, Azeri, Liberty and Equality” on that day. In Karvan’s Chehelom, his mother made a speech by his grave. “I may not have known what I am living for till yesterday, but now I know there is a great and valuable purpose: following Karvan and all the people who sacrificed with their blood to fight cruelty and oppression,” she said.

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